Port development and optimisation
Modelling of infrastructure
Existing and future port infrastructure can be modelled to assist decision makers in the evaluation and/or validation of solutions aimed to:
- optimise port operations and mitigate navigational risks
- modelling includes:
- approach basins
- turning basins
- positioning of navigational aids
- jetty layout
- tug requirements
- estimation of weather and current windows.
Testing operational limits
Simulator scenarios can be designed to define operational limits for manoeuvring large ships in harbour waters and approach channels, under extreme environmental conditions.
Development of procedures
Port and Coastal pilotage
Simulation scenarios can be customized to develop standard, abnormal and emergency pilotage procedures. Operational procedures based on high fidelity simulations are the keystone of a modern Safety Management System, able to address the dynamic risks of pilotage. Smartship instructors can assist in this process also on in the field, by tuning outcomes of simulation scenarios with real world constraints.
Bridge procedures
Simulation scenarios can be customized to develop and test standard, abnormal and emergency Bridge Resources Management (BRM) procedures. BRM procedures are essential for an efficient use of both human and technical resources of a modern bridge. Smartship instructors can assist in this process also on in the field, by tuning the outcome of simulation scenarios with real world constraints.
Simulator scenarios can be used as part of a recruitment process of Pilots organisations. Smartship Australia instructors can assist in developing an assessment tool to test candidates’ shiphandling skills as well as behavioural patterns against general and specific requirements set by the organisation.
Pilotage licensing
Simulator scenarios can be used as part of the licensing process of Pilot organizations. Smartship Australia instructors can assist in developing an assessment tool to test pilots’ shiphandling skills as well as behavioural patterns against specific requirements for licensing under standard, abnormal and emergency conditions.
Proficiency checks
Simulator scenarios can be used as part of the proficiency check process of Pilot organizations. Smartship Australia instructors can assist in developing an assessment tool to test pilots’ shiphandling skills as well as behavioural patterns against specific requirements for periodic competency checks under standard, abnormal and emergency conditions.