
The centre has a control room where instructors can design scenarios for all 5 simulators and monitor training activities. Smartship’s modern facilities also include two large debriefing rooms and a spacious dining and lounge area.

To find out more information or make a booking, please contact us.

+61 7 3358 9300


Full mission

Bridge 1

The primary full mission bridge simulator is 16 metres in diameter and 5 metres high with 360° field of view including connected bridge wings.

Full mission

Bridge 2

The secondary full mission bridge simulator is 12 metres in diameter with 240° field of view.

Tug simulator

The Tug simulator has 360° field of view and the ability to simulate all tug propulsion systems, including rotor configuration.

Part task

Bridge 1 & 2

The 2 part task bridge simulators have 120° field of view. All bridges have a full suite of ship controls and communications equipment, as well as original integrated navigation system NACOS 5th generation, manufactured by SAM Electronics.

The control room

From the control room instructors can design scenarios for all 5 simulators and monitor training activites. The instructor can control environmental conditions, traffic and ship failures and monitor training activities.

Debriefing rooms and conference rooms

Smartship offers 2 debriefing rooms (for 20 to 30 people in each room) and are equipped to hold discussions about the simulator runs including replays of navigation scenarios, conning orders and tug forces.

The conference rooms are also available for hire for business meeting and presentations.

Lounge and dining room

A modern lounge and a dining room are available for clients to use during coffee breaks and meal times. Smartship offers full catering services during training and simulation exercises.

Clients are also able to access WiFi and flatscreen televisions (upstairs and downstairs) during their visit to Smartship.